Are tesla’s safe? 8 reasons why Tesla is the safest car

8 reasons why Tesla is the safest car

Are tesla’s safe?


Today, Tesla tops the ranking of the safest cars in the world. Tesla does have many advantages, but what exactly is its safety connected with? There are several reasons for this and today we will consider each of them separately.

Tesla places a strong emphasis on safety and has implemented numerous features and technologies to enhance occupant protection and reduce the risk of accidents.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.3 million people worldwide die in car accidents every year. Improving car safety could save millions of lives, and Tesla has taken responsibility for that.

By the way, NHTSA assigned the Tesla Model 3 5 stars in a rollover, side, and front collision tests. The safety of the Model 3, like all of the company’s cars, is a matter of pride. Safety is the most important part of the overall Model  3 design.

The metal structure is a combination of aluminum and steel for maximum strength in each area. The constant, painstaking work of Tesla gives amazing results because the safety of passengers and other road users is the main priority.

Open the news and you will be surprised when you see the number of stories about how Tesla saved the life of its owner, even in a head-on collision at high speed!

For example, the sensational story @moi_o_see/is about how his wife got into an accident and survived thanks to the quality functions of her car.

 are tesla's safe


See also: Tesla Spotify is not working: what to do?


So, what factors help an electric car save the lives of drivers? On the surface, there are only 8 of them (although this is not a small one):


Why Tesla is Safe?

  1. Lack of engine in the front of the car

This is one of the most important reasons why Tesla is considered safe. Since there is no engine, steel and aluminum will crumble first and absorb most of the impact in an accident, preventing it from being handed over to the driver and passenger.


  1. Low center of gravity

Due to the placement of the battery and electric motors that are on the floor of the car – Tesla is very difficult to turn over.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration confirms that the Model Y has a  rollover risk of just 8%, which Tesla says is the lowest risk of any SUV ever built. Battery weight will work as a center of gravity even in cases where Tesla will lean hard to the side (for example, in a side collision).


are teslas safe


  1. Tesla’s roof is extremely durable

Tesla’s roof can withstand more than 20,000 pounds of force, which is nearly six times its own weight, meaning it can support the weight of five Model 3 cars or the weight of two adult elephants, making it one of the most durable car roofs in the world.

This means that in the event of a fall from above on the car something heavy, the probability that the driver and passengers will remain alive and not even be injured is very high.


  1. Tesla strut structures and side sills are reinforced with high-quality steel

This helps resist crumpling and absorbs as much energy as possible in a collision.  In addition, the highest quality of airbags in the car really inspires confidence. And if you look at the crash tests, there is no doubt that Tesla is safe.

Here’s one of those videos:


  1. Tesla is equipped with many safety features

This item can be discussed for a long time and list the number of different utilities in the car that ensure your personal safety.

  • For example, it is equipped with a combination of cameras, radars, and ultrasonic sensors that can recognize obstacles and drive the car accordingly.
  • Also, Tesla’s Autopilot System incorporates automatic emergency braking technology, which self-crashes the car to avoid colliding with objects, and received the highest score in tests to prevent a frontal collision.
  • In the “safety assistance” category, which looks at things like lane assistance and automatic pedestrian braking, Tesla received an incredible score of 94 percent.


  1. Frequent software updates

Updates are always a good thing! After all, these are improvements and improvements!

These updates can enhance your safety by updating the autopilot system so that it is more aware of its surroundings, better at recognizing and avoiding objects, detecting flashing, emergency car lights in low light conditions, and even notifying you of low tire threads.

As you know, the computer is connected to almost all processes in your Tesla. Accordingly, frequent diagnostics of the main computer is literally a guarantee of your security!


Accidents are really terrible, but not only they can harm you and your car.

Tesla has some really amazing features to protect your car.


  1. Watchdog mode

Sentry Mode is a Feature of Tesla that allows you to keep an eye out for suspicious activity near your car when it’s parked and locked in certain places.

Depending on the severity of the danger, your car will react and record events on your car’s hard drive.

You can also use security mode to remotely inspect the area around your car while it’s parked to make sure it’s safe before you get back to it.

Even 10 years ago, such functions seemed to be something from the world of fiction!


is tesla safe


  1. Camera in the cabin of the car

In the Tesla Model 3 and Model Y, the internal camera can detect the driver’s inattention and give audible warnings warning you to keep an eye on the road when using Autopilot so you’re safe while driving.  Tesla won’t let you fall asleep at the wheel or be distracted by extraneous things. She’s your strictest overseer.

Often it’s a functioning way to literally save someone’s life.



Why Tesla is not safe?

Of all these positive Tesla features, there is one that definitely works against you.

In today’s world, a punctured wheel is not uncommon. Unfortunately, Tesla is not equipped with an additional wheel and, in most cases, if you damage the wheel – you will have to contact the Tesla technical assistance service on the road, where they will come to replace the tires or tow your car.  Honestly, it’s long and inconvenient, but there’s no other option yet.

The only way to make this process easier is to have a tire repair kit for Tesla always with you on such occasions.

For example:

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Summing up, I want to say that every modern car has skeletons in the closet. But it is very important to set priorities correctly.

And the priorities in Tesla are set best! Agree, a punctured wheel is a trifle, compared to a frontal collision at high speed.

Based on this, we will probably join the universal admiration for tesla’s safety qualities. Applause!