Top 3 Tesla puddle lights in 2023

Top 3 Tesla puddle lights in 2023

Puddle lights have become very popular in recent years. It looks stylish, but besides this, it is also very convenient, and practical, especially at night.

However, how do you choose tesla puddle lights for your Tesla?

The market today is very diverse and literally replete with different options.

We studied the ratings of the most popular ones, tesla owners reviews, and reviews. Today, perhaps, we have the 3 new products for Tesla, based on the experience of the owners.

Today you can install solid-color backlights, or you can install a backlight with a Tesla logo! It will add zest to your car!

By the way, in our “Tips and Reviews” section, you will find many more useful things for your Tesla!

We are ready to present them to you and describe all the pros and cons, however, for starters, let’s take a closer look at such an interesting type of presentation in your Tesla model.

So, the most comfortable backlight: VIHIMAI

Highest quality backlight: Uxcer

Super-bright and stylish novelty today is Guangchi Tesla puddle lights


What is the purpose of a puddle light?

Puddle lights are lights that are incorporated into the bottom of your side-view mirrors and illuminate the area around the front door. To keep you and your companion from walking into a puddle or something much worse—roadkill—these lights come on when you open your car with a key fob.

Do Teslas have puddle lights?

abstract ocean identification purposes




Your Tesla Model 3 has puddle lights on each of its four doors, but you may not have seen them. The purpose of these lights, which are situated on the underside of each door, is to, among other things, illuminate the ground in the dark and prevent puddles (thus the name).

Can I add puddle lights to my car?

installation in doors


Custom puddle lights are a quick and easy way to upgrade your ride. These eye-catching lighting accessories will take your Tesla of any model to the next level with just a simple install. These lights can easily add style and functionality to any vehicle.

However, some owners point to the discomfort associated with installing such options.

existing lights, puddle light

This may not be an obvious problem, but it’s a common topic on the forums.

For example,

  • Lights Dim When Multiple Doors Are Opened

    People realized this is a common problem and that it might be due to power limitations. As expected, logo puddle lights require more energy as compared to a simple light pattern.

  • Annoying Rattling Sounds

    It might just be the result of human error while installing the product — or a stroke of bad luck as it’s not happening to everybody.

  • Your Tesla vehicles Will Get Locked… Temporarily

Though once he finished replacing new lights everything came back to normal, it’s an important consideration as not every seller includes this on their installation instructions

tesla model led lights

3 Best puddle lights for your Tesla model

Backlighting of a single color

61h1sXE402L. AC SL1500

Perhaps the most convenient in all respects is the backlighting of a single color abstract ocean. It’s not too bright to blind your eyes, but not too dim to make you see the obstacle at night!

Also, it doesn’t absorb as much power as the LOGO backlight, but it may not be as stylish as the LOGO.

Also pleased with its versatility. After all, it fits all Tesla models.

By the way, it can be installed not only outside, but also inside. Many do trunk lights, puddle lights, legroom lights, and glove box lights.

Pros & Cons

  • color varieties
  • installation options in the cabin

  • little power absorption

  • not annoying

  • bright enough

  • universal for all models

  • without logo




Uxcer puddle lamps

71zfA ER65L. AC SL1500

Uxcer is perhaps the great quality option for your Tesla!

Unlike other tesla puddle lamps, Uxcer uses aluminum parts instead of a plastic back cover to increase the heat dissipation area and extend the lifespan.

In addition, the Uxcer tesla Lights logo uses a premium glass projection chip and a high transmittance triple filter, making the tesla projector logo the brightest and clearest.

The problem of fuzziness and vagueness is indeed faced by many Tesla owners. Read more about this on the forum.

Pros & Cons

  • high quality
  • stylish logo

  • easy installation

  • Suitable for all Tesla models

  • does not illuminate everywhere



Guangchi Tesla puddle lights

71FL7JxTB L. AC SL1500

The super-bright 3D LED Laser Ghost Shadow Light allows the wearer to see the walkway and avoid stepping on water or other obstacles when you get out of the car at night.

This backlight looks very stylish and new, because it is a real novelty!

Pros & Cons

  • excellent brightness
  • stylishness

  • ease of installation

  • variety of colors

  • higher cost



We suggest watching the video instructions for installing puddle lights for your Tesla model. This might be helpful if you’re doing this for the first time!



Puddle lights are indeed a cool and practical feature found in many modern vehicles. Here are a few reasons why they are appreciated by car enthusiasts:

1. Stylish appearance: Puddle lights add a touch of style and sophistication to a vehicle’s exterior. These small LED lights, typically located beneath the side-view mirrors or door handles, illuminate the ground around the car’s entrance area with an elegant glow. It creates a visually pleasing effect, especially in low-light conditions, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the vehicle.

2. Safety and convenience: Puddle lights serve a practical purpose by improving visibility in dark or dimly lit areas, such as parking lots or driveways. When approaching the vehicle, the illuminated ground around the doors provides better visibility, allowing passengers to see puddles, curbs, or any potential hazards while entering or exiting the car. It can help prevent accidental missteps and keep passengers dry when stepping out in wet weather conditions.

3. Personalization: Puddle lights offer an opportunity for drivers to personalize their vehicles. Many automakers offer puddle lights with customizable designs, allowing drivers to display their vehicle’s logo, brand name, or even unique patterns and symbols. This customization option lets drivers add a personal touch and stand out from the crowd.

4. Enhanced security: Puddle lights can also contribute to improved security. When approaching a parked car in a dark area, the illuminated ground around the vehicle can deter potential intruders or act as a deterrent against theft or vandalism by drawing attention to the area.

5. Easy installation: Many aftermarket puddle lights are available for those who want to add this feature to their existing vehicles. These lights are often simple to install, requiring minimal wiring or modifications. It makes it an accessible and relatively inexpensive aftermarket upgrade for car enthusiasts.

Overall, puddle lights combine style, functionality, and personalization in a unique automotive feature. Whether for aesthetics, safety, or the cool factor, puddle lights are a popular choice among car enthusiasts who appreciate the added flair and convenience they bring to their vehicles.