Best air freshener for Tesla models 2023

Best air freshener for Tesla models 2023

Best air freshener for Tesla models 2023


How do you make a Tesla smell good? How do you use a Tesla air freshener?

Remember the smell of your new Tesla? It is incomparable to anything. Such a cozy and pleasant realization of one’s own value. Every owner-associates this smell with positive emotions.

However, whether it’s sweat, pets, or that incredible burger you’ve enjoyed without guilt, that good smell of the new Tesla can quickly evaporate. It can only remain in your memories, or you can recreate it again with effective quality air fresheners.


tesla model 3 air freshener

Why do you need a car air freshener?

Car air fresheners serve several important purposes, enhancing the overall driving experience and creating a more pleasant environment. Here are a few reasons why they are considered important:

1. Eliminating unpleasant odors: Over time, cars can develop unpleasant odors from various sources such as food, spills, pets, or general accumulation of dirt and debris. Air fresheners help to mask or eliminate these odors, making the interior of the car more enjoyable and comfortable for both the driver and passengers.

2. Creating a welcoming atmosphere: A fresh and inviting scent can have a positive impact on mood and well-being. A pleasant-smelling car interior can make the driving experience more enjoyable, reduce stress, and create a welcoming atmosphere for both the driver and passengers.

3. Combatting stale air and odors: In some instances, even without specific odors, car interiors can become stale or stuffy, especially during long drives or in hot weather. Air fresheners help to circulate and refresh the air, reducing stuffiness and improving air quality inside the vehicle.

4. Enhancing the driving experience: Certain scents, like citrus or lavender, are known for their uplifting or calming effects. By using air fresheners with appealing scents, they can enhance the driving experience, boost alertness, or provide a more relaxing ambiance, depending on the fragrance chosen.

5. Personalization and comfort: With a wide variety of scent options available, car air fresheners allow drivers to personalize and customize the fragrance inside their vehicles. It provides an opportunity to express personal preferences and create a more comfortable and enjoyable environment that reflects their individual taste.

Which brand of air freshener is best?

Why do we need to look for special air fresheners for Tesla when most air fresheners are suitable for any car?

Very simple. Most often, Tesla has a small air vent, quite specific compared to other cars.

Plus, Tesla’s unique aesthetic requires a careful selection of freshener if you don’t want it to look gaudy and inappropriate.

Today, there are many unusual devices for Tesla (you can learn about one of them in our article), including special air fresheners for Tesla.


Can car air fresheners cause allergies?

Many people today are very sensitive to various smells, people often suffer from allergies. There are smells that you simply cannot tolerate, not only because of allergic reactions of the body but because of some unpleasant associations.

Nobody likes strong smells. Many taxi passengers ask the driver to remove the freshener, otherwise, after a short trip in the cabin of such a car, a person may not sneeze but will feel exhausted, and overwhelmed, he will have a headache, and nausea may occur. Why is this happening?

A lot of people do not even realize that an ordinary car freshener, of which there are many varieties today, can cause real harm to the driver and passengers of the car.

best air freshener for tesla


How is this possible? If it contains synthetic flavors that can have a general detrimental effect on the human body, then it will do you great harm.

Moreover, this may not be an obvious allergy, in which a person may begin to sneeze. Symptoms of malaise will be subtle, and you will not immediately associate it with the effect of the freshener. Unpleasant sensations may appear a little later, not immediately, when you got out of the car.


So, the Best Air Freshener for Tesla of 2022 is PURGGO Car Air Freshener.

Today, there are even entire forums, such as the Tesla Motors Club, in which Tesla owners consult and share their experience of using various devices for electric cars.

Based on the ratio of pros and cons, as well as user reviews and market ratings, we can make such a verdict. However, let’s take a closer look:


Factors that influence the choice of air freshener

Car size

While at first glance it may seem like the size of your car has nothing to do with the air freshener you choose, it’s actually an important component to consider before deciding on the type and size of air freshener that’s right for your Tesla model.

Moreover, if you like a light background scent or a strong audible smell, this also affects. After all, if you have a roomy car and you like a noticeable long-lasting smell, your choice will be more thorough and expensive (or a few simple fresheners). Do you understand what I mean?

The climate you live in

At first glance, this does not seem to be an important factor. However, there are winter and summer flavors. If you live in a hot climate, you will most likely want a more refreshing smell in your car, but not sweet vanilla scents.

Conversely, if it’s cold in your area, you’ll want something “warming,” even as small as an air freshener.

Ecology of your place of residence

Everything is simple here. If you live in more polluted areas of the country, then you will need more persistent and stronger fragrances. It is unlikely that a light background smell will suit you. More often you will have to “mask” unpleasant odors in your city. By the way, the same goes for smokers. Getting rid of the smell of cigarettes in a car can be difficult, but modern technology has done it.


Types of air fresheners

When thinking about an air freshener, most of us have a particular shape or design in mind. In fact, there is a wide range of models and varieties that you can choose from. Exploring all your options can help you make a more informed decision.


These are the typical air fresheners you first think of when you hear the word. They are usually fairly easy to install as all you have to do is hang them on your rearview mirror. They are cheap, efficient, and durable.

Types of air fresheners


This is a great alternative for those who find hanging air fresheners obstruct the view. They are gel-based and can be placed anywhere on your car, so you can make them as discreet as you want.

tesla model 3 12v outlet

Ventilation clips

These are some of the most efficient options on the market. They are capable of producing much more noticeable odors for a longer time. They can be placed almost anywhere in your vehicle. Some models even work with manual control, which makes their use much more efficient.

air cleaner for Tesla

So, today we will consider the best air freshener for each type.


Top 3 best new air fresheners by the standards of Tesla owners

S3XYWORLD Tesla Model 3/Y 

tesla air freshener

  • Invisible slim design
  • Long lasting fragrance

  • Human safety

  • The smell does not rush into the nose, but remains in the background


On average, each incense stick will last about 3-4 weeks, however, this depends on the temperature. They did a duration test in Southern California, it lasts over 3 weeks before disappearing completely. The full kit and refill package came with 2 sticks, which should last for 1.5 months.


PURGGO Car Air Freshener

air freshener for tesla


  • Without chemistry
  • Valid for over a year!

  • recyclable

  • anti-allergic

  • Without smell


Purggo Car Air Freshener


! REMOVE (DO NOT MASK) ODOR – porous bamboo charcoal acts like a large sponge. As air passes through organically, odor particles linger on surfaces inside the charcoal. PURGGO really eliminates odor, not masks it!


Tesla Air Freshener KIKIMO

tesla car freshener

  • Unusual magnetic design
  • Includes Premium Essential Oil

  • The measured air outlet height of model3/Y air conditioner is different, about 13-15mm.
  • The height of the “sexy” fragrance is 14mm.


Really new design with a micro suction pad. You can also change the smell by leaving the device in the vent because it has a magnetic front.





It’s important to note that while car air fresheners can enhance the driving experience, it is essential to use them responsibly and avoid overpowering scents that may cause discomfort or irritate individuals with sensitivities or allergies. It’s advisable to choose mild and subtle fragrances that create a pleasant ambiance without being overpowering or distracting to the driver.