Tesla Autopark: how does it work? Best Review

Tesla car park

Tesla is a company that is constantly evolving. Every year the company announces new incredible features.

One of them is the Tesla autopark.

Using the autonomous characteristics of the car, this function makes it easier and safer for Tesla owners to park their cars. This function is fantastic whether you own a Model 3, Model Y, S, or Model X.

Let’s look at the principle of operation and the most common questions that Tesla owners have.

On the official website of Tesla, you can find all the technical specifications. And we will consider important questions from people.

You can also find out about other cool features of your Tesla in our reviews section!

How does the Tesla Autopark feature work?

When it recognizes the proper parking places, Tesla’s Autopark assists you in parking your car automatically. Using the cameras positioned all around the vehicle, it can recognize both parallel and perpendicular parking places.

Any Tesla model previously had limitations on the kind of parking places it could use auto park in since it solely used ultrasonic sensors. To better fit in with the rest of Tesla’s autonomous functions, they improved Tesla Autopark in 2021.

Now, the vehicle can recognize a parking place with no cars parked on either side of it. Instead, it can automatically park in spots by spotting the correct lines just as you or I would.

Tesla autopark

How To use Tesla Autopark

Tesla firmware 7 contains a number of features, grouped together under the name of autopilot. They allow electric vehicles to parallel park without driver intervention.

The autopilot uses a combination of radar, supersonic sensors, and cameras. For the magic to happen, the driver only needs to press a button on the 17-inch touch screen.

Tesla Autopark is actually pretty easy to use. You just have to be driving slow enough and be near an appropriate parking space for it to activate (see the next section for the limitations).

When the car sees a parking spot, a Parking Icon will appear on the touchscreen as shown below.

Tesla Autopark Icon on the touchscreen when a parking spot is detected

Now follow these steps to complete the parking sequence:

  • check if the detected parking space is ok.
  • move forward one car length ahead of the parking space
  • release the steering wheel and put the car into Reverse
  • touch the Start Autopark on the touchscreen.

Now Tesla Autopark will do its thing and display a message when parking is complete.

Restrictions For Tesla Autopark

First, to use the auto park you need to be driving slowly.

Tesla states that for parallel parking

  • your speed must be under 13mph or 21 km/h
  • there must be a vehicle in front of your chosen parking spot
  • the edge (curb) of the parking space must be a line and clearly visible


Video of the parking process from the inside:



For perpendicular parking spots

  • your speed must be less than 8mph or 13 km/h
  • the parking space must be 7.2 ft / 2.2 m wide
  • the auto park needs three lines to define the space
  • cannot feature textures like cobblestones


This video, uploaded by a Model S owner in Canada, does a great job of demonstrating how automatic perpendicular parking works.


How To Pause The Autopark Feature

If you wish to pause auto park at any point simply tap your foot on the brake pedal.

How To Cancel The Autopark Feature

Your Tesla vehicle will then cancel auto park if any of the following occur:

  • You press the brake pedal while Autopark is paused. (so first pause it)
  • The parking sequence exceeds seven moves
  • The driver is exiting the vehicle or the door opens
  • You press the accelerator
  • Any Automatic Emergency Braking event occurs

Use this feature whenever possible. Very soon you will understand how convenient it is! After all, your Tesla will park much more professionally than you will in any situation. Just let it do it!

This video is another piece of evidence that Tesla’s autonomous control systems can be completely trusted because it is unlikely that the driver himself would have parked the car with such filigree accuracy.



Pros and cons of Tesla Autopark

Pros & Cons

  • It enables drivers to park in tight spots with ease. Those who have used this feature confirm that they can sit back and relax inside the car while it self-parks without any hiccups whatsoever.
  • Tesla Autopark is not fully autonomous
  • (the driver has no control of where the car is going. If the driver is not happy with its positioning, they will have to sit tight and then press the brakes or the accelerator to put it back into place.)


Some people also consider too much dependence of Tesla drivers on this feature as a minus! Try not to forget how to park, haha)