Tesla changes body color at the touch of a button (video)

Tesla changes body color

Tesla changes body color at the touch of a button

Recently, a video got into the network (and very quickly went viral) where the owner of Tesla changed the color of his car with a simple click on a button. I must say that the video really impressed many network users, and quickly acquired thousands of comments in which users argued about the reality of such a function.

In addition, the founder of Tesla Elon Musk published on his page on the social network Twitter a new commercial, announcing the possibility of changing the color of the car in the system interface using the Colorizer function.  These further confused observers and the network began to be completely confused!

Has Tesla revolutionized and bypassed its nearest electric competitors? It’s like saying. In the footage of the video from the interior of the car, we see a real interface: this is what one of the menu pages of the Tesla media system looks like after a recent update called the Tesla Software Update 2022.4.5.

However, this functionality is responsible for changing the color of the car icon in the multimedia center itself, as well as in the official application for the smartphone. Everything else, obviously, should be considered nothing more than a very talented render.

Read more about this “miracle” here.


And here is the sensational video:


Tesla vehicles typically come in a specific color at the time of manufacturing, and customers can choose from a range of available colors during the ordering process. Once a color is selected and painted onto the vehicle, it generally remains that color unless the owner decides to have the car repainted.

While Tesla does not currently offer a color-changing feature, there have been speculative discussions and concepts about the possibility of color-changing technology in the future. However, as of now, this technology is not commercially available from Tesla or other mainstream automakers.