Why Tesla steering wheel weight is a bad idea?

Why Tesla steering wheel weight is a bad idea?

If you have been a Tesla owner for more than a month, you must have come across a strange offer on the car market: Tesla steering wheel weight. This is a popular device today for Tesla drivers and some other cars, however, it’s good that you came here before you get it.

The concept of a heavier steering wheel in Tesla vehicles is not inherently a “bad idea.” In fact, Tesla’s design choices, including the weight of their steering wheels, are carefully engineered to provide a specific driving experience. However, there are different opinions and preferences regarding steering wheel weight, and what one person may consider as a negative aspect, another may appreciate.

Let’s try to figure out whether it is useful, as sellers want to present it to us?

Get one thing out of the way right away: using a steering wheel weight for your Tesla is a terrible idea. It is risky, it interferes with the autopilot features of the vehicle, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has already outlawed several producers of the weights.


tesla accessories


How do you trick a Tesla steering wheel?

I’ll now elaborate on my response to your question: A Tesla steering wheel weight is an aftermarket item available from independent merchants. Since the Tesla Autopilot only works when the driver’s hands are on the wheel, it is used to make the Tesla steering wheel act as though the driver’s hands are on it.

The driver is always prepared to step in at a moment’s notice thanks to this safety feature.

But some people have managed to get around this security measure. Some Tesla drivers have been able to maneuver the vehicle on autopilot without touching the steering wheel by fastening a weight to the wheel that simulates the presence of hands.

Tesla’s self-driving technology is risky since it isn’t totally autonomous. These vehicles depend on human involvement in some situations in all production versions since they are unable to navigate precisely in a completely autonomous mode.

advantage of using avtopilot

It’s a good thing you inquired about steering wheel weights before participating in the risky trend. Getting the correct auto insurance coverage is a fantastic additional strategy to guarantee your safety. And it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to accomplish it!


Why is the Tesla steering wheel different?

One of the various initiatives automakers have devised in their transition to self-driving cars is Autopilot. Different systems from manufacturers like BMW, Ford, GM, Subaru, and many more employ cameras to keep an eye on the driver. In order to maintain an artificial eye on the driver at all times, many of these systems require considerably more than just weight on the steering wheel.

However, a recent Consumer Reports research criticized using tricks to activate Tesla’s Autopilot system, and the repercussions are unquestionably serious.

tesla model 3y steering wheel counter weight autopilot buddy

While steering wheel weights by themselves may not pose a threat to safety, altering the way a safety system works in some circumstances might have very significant and unpleasant repercussions.

It was frightening, yet people were utilizing everyday things to create the same effect. Tesla customers found a method to give Autopilot the full authority of its namesake by using anything that had enough weight to pull on the steering wheel, from oranges and ankle weights to other objects.



What does Autopilot Buddy weigh?

There are many accessories for weighting the steering wheel, and each of them has its own characteristics. However, the standard Autopilot buddy Weight about 0.5 kg (just don’t use this information to find an item at home to hang on your steering wheel)!

Dangers: safety feature

An asterisk is one of the elements that most websites that offer Tesla steering wheel weights share. The buyer declares not to use this product on public roads and acknowledges that the seller is not responsible/liable for the results of the incorrect use of the product, which leads to the fine print at the bottom of the page that states, among other things, “The product is auxiliary in nature. Please pay attention to road conditions to avoid accidents.”

However, some websites have a flagrant disregard for user security. These websites provide detailed instructions on where to position the steering wheel weight and even list other items you may buy to get the same effects.

While it’s not necessarily the ideal option for driving safely on the road to put an orange on your steering wheel to ward off those persistent warnings, it’s certainly not against the law to do so.

review of Tesla wheel weight


The Problem With Tesla Autopilot

Now, unlike what Tesla marketing would have you believe, we are still a long way from having self-driving cars. It is risky to use phrases like “autopilot” and “full self-driving” since they give the impression that the product is actually autonomous. Simply said, this is untrue. In response to challenges from some nations, Tesla is being compelled to increase their level of openness and clarity.

However, Tesla’s “Full Self-Driving” is extremely explicit in its fine print. Full autonomous driving is still in the testing phase. Even its users recognize this in the small print, which likely absolves Tesla of any culpability. The Problem With Tesla Autopilot



The gadget may lead to additional inaccurate press reports about Tesla’s capabilities for semi-autonomous driving. Tesla does not and has never said that its cars are self-driving. Drivers must maintain concentration while operating the vehicle, and owners must pay close attention to both the road and their surroundings.

avoid accident

What do you say in the end?

Still, want to fool your car’s computer and sensor? I think there is no need to bring sad statistics to non-compliance with safety rules so that it didn’t occur to you to put a grapefruit on the steering wheel, right?) By the way, you can learn more about experiments with weight for Tesla here.

There are many really useful accessories (for example in this article) for your Tesla and in this blog, we will try to introduce you to them.

Some people may find a heavier steering wheel more cumbersome or tiring to maneuver, especially during sharp turns or parking maneuvers. They might prefer a lighter steering wheel that requires less effort and provides a more responsive and agile feel. On the other hand, others may prefer a heavier steering wheel as they perceive it to offer a greater sense of control and stability, particularly at higher speeds or on long drives.

Ultimately, the weight of a steering wheel is a subjective preference that can vary from person to person. Tesla, like any car manufacturer, seeks to strike a balance between offering a comfortable driving experience and meeting the expectations of their customers. It’s important to test-drive and experience the steering feel of a Tesla vehicle firsthand to determine whether the weight suits your personal driving style and preferences.